Popular/classical destinations for 1st time visitors 定番観光地~第1回目訪問に最適~
These are most frequetly destinations that many of my past guests visited especially if it was their first time visit to Kyoto. There may be so many people even from your countries but probably you want to check them out at least once in your life...

From Kyoto st.: 37 min by #101 bus OR 11 min by #101/102/204/205 bus from Kitaoji st. 北大路駅

Ryoan-ji temple龍安寺
6 min by #59 bus from Kinkakuji-mae 金閣寺前
or 18 min (1.5km) walk
or 18 min (1.5km) walk

Kyoto Imperial Plalace京都御所
200 m from Marutamachi st. 丸太町駅 or 300 m from st. Imadegawa st. 今出川駅

37 min by #100, 17, 5 bus from Kyoto st.
14 min by #102, 203 bus from Imadegawa 今出川 st.
14 min by #102, 203 bus from Imadegawa 今出川 st.

Philosopher's Path哲学の道
350 m from 銀閣寺 Ginkakuji
650 m from 南禅寺 Nanzenji
650 m from 南禅寺 Nanzenji

Torokko Trainトロッコ列車
1.1 km from Randen Arashiyama 嵐電嵐山 st. to Torokko Arashiyama 嵐山

Torokko Trainトロッコ列車
1.1 km from Randen Arashiyama 嵐電嵐山 st. to Torokko Arashiyama 嵐山

Torokko Trainトロッコ列車
1.1 km from Randen Arashiyama 嵐電嵐山 st. to Torokko Arashiyama 嵐山
Popular/classical destinations for 1st time visitors 定番観光地~第1回目訪問に最適~
These are most frequetly destinations that many of my past guests visited especially if it was their first time visit to Kyoto. There may be so many people even from your countries but probably you want to check them out at least once in your life...

From Kyoto st.: 37 min by #101 bus OR 11 min by #101/102/204/205 bus from Kitaoji st. 北大路駅

Ryoan-ji temple龍安寺
6 min by #59 bus from Kinkakuji-mae 金閣寺前
or 18 min (1.5km) walk
or 18 min (1.5km) walk

Kyoto Imperial Plalace京都御所
200 m from Marutamachi st. 丸太町駅 or 300 m from st. Imadegawa st. 今出川駅

37 min by #100, 17, 5 bus from Kyoto st.
14 min by #102, 203 bus from Imadegawa 今出川 st.
14 min by #102, 203 bus from Imadegawa 今出川 st.

Philosopher's Path哲学の道
350 m from 銀閣寺 Ginkakuji
650 m from 南禅寺 Nanzenji
650 m from 南禅寺 Nanzenji

Torokko Trainトロッコ列車
1.1 km from Randen Arashiyama 嵐電嵐山 st. to Torokko Arashiyama 嵐山

Torokko Trainトロッコ列車
1.1 km from Randen Arashiyama 嵐電嵐山 st. to Torokko Arashiyama 嵐山

Torokko Trainトロッコ列車
1.1 km from Randen Arashiyama 嵐電嵐山 st. to Torokko Arashiyama 嵐山