A newly renovated 82year-old Kyoto style townhouse (machiya) for a group of 2-6 people consisting of 3-4 bedrooms, a roomy island kitchen / dining space continuous to an open wood deck, the mini Japanese garden surrounded by a living and a tea room, and a big entrance hall looking up the traditional wooden ceiling.
Located in a quiet residential area (with two major supermarkets within 1-2 min walk), the house is conveniently located to the largest local restaurant / bar area in the west of Kyoto downtown and subway/tram/bus stops (all just a few min walk). 19 min to Arashiyama by tram, 17 min to Kinkakuji by bus, 19 min walk to Nijo-jo castle, and 6 min to Kawaramachi (which is 3 min walk to Gion) by subway, all directly to these destinations and running every <10 min.
Information お知らせ
- 2022.10.19
- "Zenkoku Ryoko-shien campaign" is still available via direct booking
全国旅行支援は直接予約で受付中! - 2022.06.22
- "Early Summer campaign (from 9800yen per night)" on sale (English version coming up soon!)
初夏限定プラン(おひとり様9900円、何人でも12,600円)実施中(楽天トラベル&じゃらんnet) - 2022.06.22
- "Kyoto local GoTo campaign" resumed
京都府民割(京都版GoToトラベル)実施中(楽天トラベル&じゃらんnet)~実質ゼロ円も! - 2022.6.22
- Launched special monthly plans (from 28 nights) from JPY278,000~ (Dec 2021 - Feb 2023) on AirBnB
AirBnBにて特別マンスリープラン(最安で1泊1万円以下)を提供中(2023年2月宿泊分まで) - 2021.10.19
- Joined "Kyoto local GoTo campaign" for Kyoto residents (Oct 19 - Dec 31)
【京都府民限定】京都魅力再発見旅プロジェクトに参画中(楽天トラベル&じゃらんnet) - 2021.5.12
- Started offering hourly rental services on SPACEMARKET
スペースマーケットで時間貸しを始めました(撮影/教室/会議などに♪) - 2021.4.1
- Launched LINE Official Account (for special deals and inquiries)
LINE公式アカウントを開設(お得な情報やお問い合わせもこちらからどうぞ) - 2019.1.7
- Launched Instgram official account (good for quick view of floor plan and location)
インスタグラム公式アカウントを開設しました(間取りやロケーションをクイックにチェック♪) - 2018.10.01
- Earned the 2018 Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor
トリップアドバイザーより「Certificate of Excellence 2018(エクセレンス認証)」を受賞いたしました - 2018.09.21
- Used as photo studio by Sun Chlorella Co., Ltd.
株式会社サン・クロレラ様の商品撮影用スタジオとしてご利用いただきました - 2018.07.11
- Earned the Reported on “Journal de 20 Heures”, a France2 TV news program

Flexible Bed Arrangement さまざまなGroup構成に対応
Support for Logistics
and Activities
Rental Cycle at Hankyu Saiin station阪急西院駅有料貸自転車
Automatic taxi pagerタクシー呼出専用電話
Hands free check in/out (paid)手ぶらでチェックイン・アウト(有料)
Tenins court reservationテニスコート予約
Restaurant reservationレストラン予約
Paid parking available有料駐車場あり